Instrument Voltage Regulator for 65 Dart

Meaning what? You couldn't figure out how to mount and wire it?

You did but it won't operate? If so how do you know it's the limiter, and it might be, or might not be

I would "rig" the limiter AKA wired temporarily, and then hook the output to an artificial load such as a tail lamp, and monitor the output with a meter to see if its regulating near 5V

The cluster/ limiter MUST be grounded to battery negative, and you MUST have a sender or test resistor on the sender terminal to ground.

What have you done to test the gauges themselves?

Bench testing rally gauges

There was an old thread--I cannot find--even applying a 1 1/2V battery directly to one gauge will provide some deflection.
I'm not electrical savvy. I was told by multiple people that if the fuel and temp gauges are not working I could assume the ivr was the problem. I found the guy who sold the replacement part (discussed in the old thread above) and removed my cluster, disabled the points and wired it into my gauge and put it all back together. I KNOW that there were steps I skipped not testing etc. but I was just hoping it would work. Removing and replacing the dash cluster was, for me, a real challenge and at the outer limits of my handiness. If I knew there was a part I could buy that would fix it I'd probably hire a mechanic/electrician to install it this time.