Hot starting issues

A couple of other common conventions to keep in mind.
"Battery" Battery indicates a connection to the power supply. It could be argued that it would be more accurate to label them power supply since power normally comes from the alternator when the engine is running. But labelling them B, Batt, or Battery is a good reminder that these connections are hot unless the battery is disconnected. Anyway, it is a common convention just like these are called "12 Volt" systems even through they generally run at 14ish Volts.

Black insulation was used for positive wires and just because its black does not mean its a ground.

"Charging" People often say the alternator is charging. It's generally understood that what they mean is the alternator is producing power. But when troubleshooting it is important to be clear whether you mean the battery is charging or not (as shown on the ammeter) or the whether the alternator doesn't seem to be working.