Someone familiar with tractor 3 point "in general?"

It's 9PM and I JUST got in the door. I'm beat, I hurt, my back hurts and my leg calf hurts. I am crashed in the big chair.............................

Well it ain't "done done" but it is functional. Details to clean up, of course
Top two photos show the top link "emulation" of a 3 point. Plates clamp to axle to keep things aligned, main thrust is very heavy wall 1 1/2 tube up to the big boss on the side of the bell. I "tweeked" it over a little to allow my big foot to get to the clutch. Turns out plenty of room

Below, dipper/ bucket pushing the rear off the ground. There isn't enough leverage/ pressure if the dipper is extended out much further. So this here is about the limit of "down."
One of mounting ears. Inboard one is "u" slotted, outer bolts to it after hoe is diddled into place. 1/2" x 3" material
Detail of the top link. The clamps don't hold much thrust, hopefully to protect the axle some. I only tightened them (nylock) with a short 3/8 drive----1/2" bolts
The pump turned out to be "plenty tight" but it does clear. I should have mounted the hoe maybe another inch to rear
Pads don't have enough "oomph" to lift this high, without a boost from the arm. But that's OK if I need it I'll do just that