Be careful out there guys!

I know several of you are racing this weekend, please watch for heat exhaustion or stroke. Drink plenty of water or Gatorade.

Two weeks ago we had a microburst storm pass through that blew my corn in the garden down, all the patio furniture ended up in the pool and broke the tempered glass tabletop, in the pool of course. It also blew down a huge hackberry tree in my yard and across my driveway. I wasn't home at the time but arrived home about an hour later. Long story short is that I got too hot cutting the tree up and moving it. I spent all day Sunday on the couch with a massive headache, nauseous and leg cramps. I spent most of the week inside on the couch, on friday I watered my garden and started getting a headache and nauseous again, so I came in the house and laid down again. It's been two weeks and I'm still not 100% but lots better.

My doctor said it was heat exhaustion. I had drunk a bunch of water that day and during the chainsaw work and it wasn't enough to keep me from getting too hot. I should've stopped and rested and cooled off a few times.

Be careful guys and take care.

You hit the nail on the head.