Thinking about developing a 3D printed center console

I’ve pretty much settled on printing my own console, and thought maybe some of my fellow FABO member would be interested in one for their car. Looking to gauge interest and solicit feedback.

I don’t have a design yet, I will work on that in the fall when I get my dart back. But the basics I’m designing into my console will be:

two cup holders
Useable armrest with storage below
Option for extension from back of front seat where the console ends to the back seat to turn the backseat into two seats.
Interesting side profile features and/or contours.
Period complimentary design
Glue and snap fit together design

Essentially I’ll be creating a full length console that comes in 4 pieces (5 if the back extension is used) because my printer has a max dimension of 14”. There will be registration pins and holes for perfect alignment. I will use these to dry fit it and make sure it works before applying glue and bonding the pieces.

The armrest portion will likely be another separate part. Another goal is minimal prep work before leather can be glued down. That being the plan, it may come with some pieces needing to be covered before they are attached. Really need to start designing to think that through. Of course one could always sand, fill, and paint.

Pieces will likely be printed in ABS as it’s got good mechanical and thermal properties.

The fact that it will be printed in pieces would certainly help with shipping. I may decide to make available custom cutout shapes like squares circles or rectangles for mounting things like USB ports, lights, or whatever else someone decided they want.

price would likely be $350 plus shipping. I would love to hear some thoughts. For instance should the rear seat area extension have 1, 2, or 0 cupholders? How tall would you prefer the armrest to be? Is it acceptable for the storage lid to not latch? What other features would you want? Why is this a bad idea? Lol thanks gang