Considering relocating to Texas

I've said most of my peace on this, except to add that if a person decides to relocate (much less an entire family) and doesn't consider politics in this day and age, that person is bordering on foolish. I see people almost every week having meltdowns because they live 'among a bunch of hicks'. When they're the one that chose to move here, not the other way 'round?

That's like buying tickets, making plans, and then going to a comedy show, and getting mad because someone told a joke that you found offensive. (saw that last Wednesday, in fact). People are far too resistant to look inward in this day and age and if you're going to go to the trouble to relocate, it only benefits you to do so, be honest with yourself, and do your research.

I say that more as a person that watched everything I loved about my home state get destroyed by people from another state, who brought nothing but their problems with them, than as a political consideration. Result, now they're bailing on the new state because it's become just like the old one. Who did that, I wonder?

I'm off the soapbox. I'm going back to shitposting now.