New Small Block Headers

There are only 3 types of headers.
1.Off the shelf. Street, Comp, Hugger,whatever they are called.
2.Custom, low performance
3.Custom, high perfromance
I'll disagree somewhat (but spare the red X BS. LOL )
1. Off the shelf that generally fit what they claim to fit and are streetable.
2. Off the shelf that generally fit what they claim but hang low.
3. Junk (all those that waste your time trying to make them fit).
4. Custom (and yes some are going to be better for performance gains than others. So it goes)
(I've owned 2,3,4 and one 3 that someone bought and I hear was able to use as 1 in a different car possibly using a different headpipe)

LOL, all this talk about collector length, when most people bolt an exhaust pipe of the same diameter up to the collector anyway.
Yup. That's why its worth running the numbers through pipemax and following Larry's guidance when running a full exhaust. It's certainly possible to stuff up a system even with (especially with?) larger pipes. I've done it. Every disruption in flow can be controlled so a full exhaust doesn't have to ruin a header's potential. It's why the H pipe, X pipe arguement is pointless. When either is used, whether they are effective or detrimental is about sizing and placement and the rest of the system.