Best Kept Secret in the Big Block Mopar World

350 8 v90 58 4.06 3.38 B One year only
361 8 v90 58-66 4.12 3.38 B
383 8 v90 59-71 4.25 3.38 B better known 383, (383.596 CID)
383 8 v90 58-60 4.03 3.75 RB Actually 382.667 CID
400 8 v90 71-78 4.34 3.38 B
413 8 v90 59-73 4.18 3.75 RB
426 8 v90 63-66 4.25 3.75 RB Wedge
426 8 v90 64-71 4.25 3.75 HEMI
440 8 v90 66-78 4.32 3.75 RB
-RB is raised deck version of B with longer stroke, bigger mains.
-Hemi block is based on RB, but not interchangable (cross-bolted
mains, different head mounting bolt pattern, etc).
-All OHV, including Hemi.
-75 and earlier are thick wall castings, (up to .060 overbore)
-76 and later are thin wall castings (up to .020 overbore)
(Chart courtesy of the members of the Mopar Mailing List and Andre Roy