Stop in for a cup of coffee

Beautiful HOT, HUMID morning here. So what am I doing? Cutting down a tree. Not big, but still... Holley got sick the other morning. Just threw up a little, but we don't know why. Could be totally unrelated, but Mae tells me later "Did you see the berries on you're tree?" This 'Pin Cherry' came up in a spot where I actually wanted a tree. Looked pretty good, but a bit crooked. I had a strap on it for a while trying to shape it up and it was near where I wanted it. But, I didn't think it was supposed to produce fruit. It does. I looked it up and while the berries are edible the stems and seeds are poisonous. And Holley ain't gonna sort them out and it's in 'her' area..:rolleyes: So, the tree is gone. Just need to go finish clean up. I did put tarps down to catch berries, but will block that area off so she doesn't get any that fell. Did I mention its HOT and HUMID? :BangHead:
Good Morning