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We went to a maritime museum in Norway and boarded a old square rigged vessel. We felt very tall. As you can imagine we all started discussing how to fight and defend the ship. In the end we decided the men that sailed and battled with those ships were submariner crazy.


There wasn't anywhere to battles are ferocious... Ships of the line launching broadsides while rigging is touching the enemy ship is seriously balls of steel right there!

1805 is the closeout of the 1st Barbary War. U.S. is still trying to figure out the whole "Navy" thing

I've worked 24 and 32 pound naval guns out of a shore battery. It's freaking cool

It freaked me out to be honest. I just couldn’t even imagine it. Every time I watch the master commander movie I remember being on that ship. Then imaging the medical triage after battle with resources and skill set available takes it to another level. Just seemed kind of like a knife fight, even the winner is bleeding. No thanks…..I think I would have dove overboard into mothers arms and swam to shore.