Seeking wisdom from those who have installed a lift

Hey FABO, I’ve gotten the green light from the landlord at my shop to install a two post lift, and now I’m in the planning stage of where to put it.

It’s a 2 bay shop which I share with a buddy — one bay is mine and the other is his. He’s willing to swap bays if it makes sense to install the lift in his bay. Obviously, I would like to only do this once, so I thought I would reach out to those who have done this before to hear your advice/successes/failures.

The entrances to both bays are identical. The main difference that I can see is that my bay has the gantry, and I think that might be an advantage when combined with the lift. On the other hand, we use the gantry for loading/unloading from trailers, so I wouldn’t want the lift to get in the way.

What are your opinions?

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