Last one to post in this thread wins!

and to be fair, the people from united airlines were great (i swear, i met their top employees over the weekend)

the issue stemmed from the airport operating on a skeleton crew, still trying to run in more flights then they could handle, that isnt the airliners fault

as for the baggage issue, i dont know who to blaim
ideally, if a person misses a flight, their luggage doesnt go either

somehow, my luggage got on the plane i missed
(it is at my local airport now, hopefully they will drop it off soon)

ages ago i got stuck in chicago
my wife (then girlfriend) was supposed to pick me up, but her neon broke down (why yes, it was the transmission, how did you know?)

so i decided to take a greyhound home
only issue was, the last greyhound of the day had left about 45 minutes before i landed

i ended up trying to find the comfiest place to sleep and put myself down on the carpet of the hilton in the airport

i think i slept for maybe an hour before i was awakened by security and brought down to the lower level where they had a homeless shelter
after they vetted me and were sure i was leaving the next day, they gave me a place to sleep that night
Hope I don't have to go threw that. lol