What Are You Doing To/With Your Car Today?

Had the avatar car at the Dream Cruise on Friday night and Saturday afternoon. About an 18 mile drive from my house. On Saturday, traffic was wicked in Pontiac. Took about 25 min to go a few hundred yards in 86 degree weather :(. And that was less than half a lap around Pontiac! Had both cooling fans running at full song - temp got up to about 190F so that was a good test. But that's about when I heard the new fuel pump pick up speed and saw the fuel pressure fall off to about 2 psi. The pump was cavitating due to the heat and so little fuel flow through it for so long. Flipped it off momentarily a couple times and it came back at full pressure so fortunately I was able to turn off on a sude street and get out of that traffic mess! Gave the car a few "lively" accelerations to flow some fuel through the pump and had no further issues. Drove a few miles on Woodward then found a good spot to park the car and watch the action.

I did learn something: the traffic lights are INCREDIBLY long! Sitting at a light in a car like this for a 2-3 minute light cycle is FOREVER!! Then 3-5 cars get through and the cycle starts again. Never notice that in a daily driver but sure did in this car!!

Watched the radar and left around 4:30. Rain started about 2 miles from home so was able to get home mostly dry. Good times!!

Good memories!

Thanks for the story on the fuel issue. I have been considering running a return line and this has sold me on the extra work to do it. Thank you.