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Good memories!

Thanks for the story on the fuel issue. I have been considering running a return line and this has sold me on the extra work to do it. Thank you.
I've been too lazy to run a return line. It would probably help but will also increase the temp in the fuel cell. Likely that should not be an issue and any negatives (more fumes venting) would be outweighed by the positive of keeping the pump somewhat happier. The MagnaFuel pump in it previously had a bypass that returned fuel to the tank so it was essentially a return system but that pump let me down twice.

Probably a better solution for me would be to get a lower-flowing pump...just enough to maintain full pressure going down the track. Buying and testing fuel pumps has not been on my 'wish list of things to do!
But if I was starting out building this car, I would likely run a separate return line so I had the option to use it or not.