Stop in for a cup of coffee

I am already booked up doing NRA classes until Oct. back to back to back. We are submitting by 8/29 a RFQ to local very large school district to train school security officers (60 hr course) The district Board just voted to go private sector. Down side they want bids by 8/29 they decide by 8/30 and then want the crew all spooled up by 10/01 quite a compressed time line. If we are accepted that also includes mandatory CEU for all officers annually. If we are awarded the bid we are going to be crazy busy. Not satisfied we have a chance tho as we have zero contacts there. But we have an excellent track record and referrals. I figure we don’t need the practice so I am not selling out to get the bid. To much time involved to low bid it. Monopolizing that many hours for super low margin makes no sense. We will see!
You can very easily explain your experience, the company name/experience, trained church security, you are local a plus right there.