"Bulletproofing" a Chrysler 2.7, 3.2 or 3.5 liter V6?
Truly most failures on the 2.7 due to the water pump failure are due to the owners not paying attention to them. There are two weep holes in the 2.7. One near the thermostat housing and one at the back of the pump that exits in the air gap under the intake. Like most people now days maintenance is foreign to them so when there is a puddle under the car or the coolant is low they ignore it. Water pumps are going to fail. Most 2.7's go over 100k before it goes out as long as the proper coolant has been used in the engines. Changing it does suck though. The thing that usually kills the 2.7 is the timing chain tensioner failing and causing it to skip time and bend the valves. That can be prevented by installing a stop block.
Melling MSB-02 Melling Tensioner Arm Stop Blocks | Summit Racing
Chrysler did redesign the water pump and timing set for better durability around 2008 which has extended the life of the components. In order to upgrade you need to change all the components (water pump, timing chain, guides and sprockets.)