408 hyd roller, too much spring pressure?

What do you mean "now I want to budget ****"?

Do you live in the Oval Office? We ALL have budgets! But many (if not most) of us street guys don't have the budgets for exotic valve gear that can be addressed with simpler, cheaper parts.

What if I just want to leave the heads alone and put a bigger cam in with matching springs? Why do I need to do all the things you suggest?

You talk like money's no object! And you forget not everyone lives in the USA where you manufacture parts and get things a lot cheaper than we do once it's been shipped and taxed! Not to mention the availability.

If anyone is wondering why there are so many Aussies on this forum it's because we have A-bodies too, but we don't have the luxury of OEM and after-market manufacturing like you do.

It was 64 dollars for valves. If that breaks you then save your money and do it right or go play golf. No wait…skip the golf. That **** ain’t cheap either. How about checkers??? Yeah, so that.

Surely I jest. I can’t help with your budget. Of the budget anyone else has.

And to a great extent, the vast majority of times going over budget is poor planning. Here is an example I’ve seen more than once right here on FABO.

A guy builds something really nice. Good heads, shiny rockers…all the ginger bread you can think of. And, he buys pushrods out of a catalog. And, he doesn’t pre-assemble the engine the 7 or 8 times it takes to do the job correctly.

And then he bolts down his rockers and they hit the springs. Had he not bought pushrods already, he’d be out a little over 200 bucks to buy a kit from B3 and fix it. But now he needs the kit AND pushrods.

And this happens over and over.