Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well house has been on market all of one day, already shown it 1/2 dozen times. We now have Two full price offers with escalation clauses. I mean great news but WTF? Clearly we priced to low. Two more showings today. Teach me to try and be fair. I am an idiot, this is why Jodi is the brains of this here operation. I just move the furniture!
Nyyyooo. You did good.
You priced it perfect.
A. You're getting what it was worth to you to sell, and then some.
B. You got buyers right away competing for it.
C . No realtors fee on your side - so you did better than if you priced higher.
E. Unless you are into trying to get the absolute top value in the market and can wait however long it takes for that buyer.
F. And that still won't work if the asking was so high, they just sit around waiting for you to drop the price. Then you're worse off. At least that's how I see it.
Heck I want to get advice from the two of you on house hunting. Maybe I'm a dummy but you two seem to have done good.