Coolant- What To Use?

For the street, with an open system. Use an inorganic technolgy coolant mix. aka mix Conventional green with distilled water.
a. It's anti-corrossion properties are quicker acting than any of the OATs and HOATs incldung 'universal' coolant.
b. It has anti corrosion addititives to protect copper and solder.
note: by open system I am refering to all factory A-body systems regardless of whether there is an overflow tank. The coolant is exposed to air.

For racing at a track, I think Prof Fate covered the options. You can improve the cooling properties, and maybe more important the anti-corrosion properties with an additive.

Waterless coolants aren't appropriate unless you are trying something trick - like running higher compression than ought to be safe. But they not appropriate for race tracks where they don't allow glycol coolants.* That's all the waterless coolants are - eth or propylene glycol with various additive packages. Yes. I have personal experiance with the original Mecca Evans coolant.** Now they have several formulations but they are all glycol so the opposite of what the OP was looking for.
Note that pure eth and propylene glycol alone are corrosive. Both need an anti-corrosion package.

* Use at track read this:Evans waterless coolant - Don Terrill’s Speed-Talk

**Discussion of product and use here Evan's Coolant. - Don Terrill’s Speed-Talk

LOL…was that third paragraph for me?????

That’s one reason why I use it. I also use it because it doesn’t require pressure to work. You can pull the radiator cap off at full temperature and won’t get burns.

As for what the tracks want, when they start paying for my equipment they can tell me what coolant to run. Evans is a commercially available product for passenger cars. It’s not different in that respect than any other antifreeze. So the track can kiss my big white ***.

FWIW, I have never had any track official look in my radiator.