Another 512 build

So a few things, life has been busy so not a whole bunch of progress. Took it out last year and it grenaded the crank pulley and broke a bunch of **** on the front of the engine. Fixed it but never went out again. Just beat it around on the street a little. Finally took it out yesterday but has an intermittent ignition issue ( I think). I have the trans brake vert in it but I think it’s a too loose for this combo. Made 4 passes yesterday, 2 in eleminations.

1. 1150 dominator on 4150 Indy intake. Car stands up pops, hesitates and then recovers. 1.44 60ft and 6.55. “Ok, fuel slosh issue as the vent tubes were cut down”. Let’s try my 1050

2. My 1050 which worked very well, car wheelies hard, i peddle it. 1.41 60ft, 6.52. My dad reports it still popping during wheelie and down track (although I can’t hear it in the car).

3. similar as pass #2 but eliminations.

4. dialed 6.50. Car breaks up horrible in the burn out box like it’s on the 2 step. Launch the car and it feels damn good. Im on the brakes hard at the 1/8 stripe cause im out in front. Other guy gets win light. 1.37 60ft, 6.44 on the brakes. Dad reports no popping on that pass. Picked up over a tenth easy with no changes made. Defiantly has something bothering it. Gonna start with coil and dist pickup.

on a good note this thing wheelie’s like it’s getting paid to do it. I got the Suspension figured out.


me in the car