Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well hello everyone, the plan is made and I am expecting good results :thumbsup: been seeing a few specialist in the last few week, life went upside down, had to rethink my next few months or maybe less a few weeks ago (cancer) near my hip bone, but got a good phone call today that it is not going to be life threatening, one doctor told me to get my things in order, like property :wtf: scarring the wife and I to death.
Turns out the local skin doctor here needs his license pulled (my opinion) went to a specialist in little Rock and had some biopsy and exrays and seems like fifty tests on my urine and blood , they said positively it has not got to any of my organs, so :) I will be around for a few more years :D...

I want to thank @toolmanmike for covering for me here and trying to keep this site in check :thankyou:

I am in good hands now, so everyone better shape up or ship out :lol:

Missed everyone, @halifaxhops , I will get my mind clear now and see what I can come up with my friend.
Going to enjoy the fresh air like I have not in 3 weeks or more :thumbsup:
