When you know no better....

it was the 100$ one,the cam gear is the pretty billet one, crank gear is darker, they both say made in usa and both the letters SA like a company brand possibly,my last one was a cloyes tru roller, it stretched like a rubber band!
It sure does feel like a crap shoot anymore, doesn't it?
Never seen any gear but a iron gear with an sa, -402 as well. They've actually included designations for which of their parts are USA or overseas...some are part this part that...like 'the united states of china'. Lol Best chain set I've had to date are or were the Mancini racing billet sb sets. The rest are like your experience was with the chain being a pos. Another time it was simply the pos durabond cam bearings sank. There was part number 'they had many' that turned out to be marginal in a stock cam 318 even. Many bad reviews were posted up.