Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well like Karl, I am Baaaaaack! What a whirlwind few days. No way on earth I am back reading. We have been working till we drop every nite. Looks like we sold our house yesterday so that is a load off! I stopped off on the way down and hung out with my Auntie, she is the Bonney red haired lass of 84 years young behind the bourbon. We had a impromptu comparison, served in martini glasses! She is a hoot. The other pix is what the cab of my truck looks like for days. Me n Hemi on the road. I put her a bowl of water on console, yep I get a lot of wet. Jodi let the range go feral while I was gone so I get to start all over again. Arghh. And I seriously over loaded my trailer again and got the expected blow out. I never went over sixty but I just had to much weight. I averaged 12.4 mpg over the last one thousand miles fully loaded. Not bad.


