Stop in for a cup of coffee

Welcome back @Sublime one John.... is that it for big hauls or are there more trips in store? Glad you got there safely in spite of the hiccups.

@Mopar Tim ... nice rides....

Happy note... transmission is finished... I'll pick it up from Stan on Monday (same guy you used Tim) which means I need to get going on the removal if the old one. Probably take a couple of days off next week so I can work steady. Hate doing things in short bits. Builder recommended Type-F in the new one (@dukeboy_318 )

Still fixing wiring and finding more funky stuff that I can't live with knowing it's there. This is the latest. I'm not a fan of the "blob solder"...:BangHead: I did find the lost oil idiot light wire... it had broken off at some point so traced it and put a new connector on to go with the new sender. :thumbsup:

Seems my plan for mounting the tach on the steering column isn't going to work either. The flared back of the steering wheel will strike the bezel. Haven't cut any wires yet so I'll ponder that a bit further. I'd rather not go back to under the dash but that might be the only option. (Update. Moving it behind the turn signal arm gave me the room I needed)

Slow and easy wins the race. Just need another few diffeteret types of solderless connectors and such to make the wiring harness proper.

