Stop in for a cup of coffee

Looks like I will have help next year at Carlisle. Actually training a guy on distributors. Think he gets it. I like him he loves the older stuff. Actually picked up a 40's something pickup he is getting running.
Glad he's workng out. thumbs_up-gif.gif
Lemme know when you want to put him through Matt's crash course on performance timing from SE John, Tuner, and, Shrinker. laugh2-gif.gif
Inlcuded will be how I learned the hard way complete with show and tell

I believe that the dogs like to be touching us in their sleep to take advantage of the shared body heat... The more they contact us, the warmer they are from the combined body heat from the contact....
Not mine. Freezing rain and she goes to the far end of the tent and curls up on top of the straw, absolutely no interest in the blanket or me. As long as she knew where I was - that's at that mattered to her.

Even as an older dog, until maybe her last year, she'd be happy taking a snooze in the snow.
