Prayers Needed
Much Love and Appreciation for all the Prayers and Support! I feel like I should Personally Respond to everyone of Y'all. Ya caint get any sleep here.. so my mind is clogged up. Just tryin' NOT to Stress about jobs, bills, health, ect. Reckon rates what faith is. I've met MANY Faithless that just didn't care. I'm Not one. So here's the deal. They Don't KNOW the deal! They tested for MRSA today, and who knows what else in my, sorry for lacking a better term, Mucus. All Negative. They may do a Bronch (med slang) on me. They knock ya out, and suck the poison outta yer lungs to clear em. 3 different broad-spectrum HD antibiotics, one Dr came in and said, They are not working, How does he know, when I was still IV'ing 2?