Stop in for a cup of coffee

Yes it was!!
We've already had a couple talks and decided we're going to get away for a week or so maybe longer three or four times a year.
Cheryl has always been our travel planner and is working up a travel bucket list.
We worked our butts off for 30+ years and can afford it so why not??

The yard in the past year we've moved a lot of dirt, brought in 130 one-ton slabs of limestone.
I took down 40 trees of various sizes, lots of flower beds created and filled, and a sprinkler system.
The yard is my two-year project and it's coming to a finish.
This doesn't include all the other stuff I did to the outside of the house a different list.
And then an whole almost complete remodel inside the house a different story.
It has been a long busy 15 months!!
We made it how we wanted it and got it all done up front to enjoy for years to come. :thumbsup:

Great deal... get it where you want while you can and then (try) to kick back a bit