Stop in for a cup of coffee

WWI was bruatal in so many ways.
Think this was the worst battle. Great Aussie movie on it out there.
Gallipoli campaign

23px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg.png British Empire:
198,340 (31,389 killed
9,708 missing and POW
78,749 wounded
78,494 evacuated sick)[11][7]
23px-Flag_of_France_%281794%E2%80%931815%2C_1830%E2%80%931974%2C_2020%E2%80%93present%29.svg.png France:
9,000 killed & missing
18,000 wounded
20,000 evacuated sick[11]
23px-Flag_of_Australia_%28converted%29.svg.png Australia:
7,594 killed
18,500 wounded
23px-Flag_of_New_Zealand.svg.png New Zealand:
3,431 killed
4,140 wounded[11]

Total: 300,000 (56,707 killed)[11]
23px-Flag_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_%281844%E2%80%931922%29.svg.png Ottoman Empire:
255,268 (56,643 killed,
97,007 wounded or injured,
11,178 missing or POW
69,440 evacuated sick[12]
21,000 died of disease)[7]

Total: 255,268 (56,643 killed)[7][12]