Stop in for a cup of coffee

Happy Labor Day

Time to get to work

Rain for the rest of the week it seems. already issued.
Looked at phone earlier 'partly cloudy' most of the day. Finally got up and took the poop shooter out and it's drizzling. :wtf: Put news on. "Showers, heavy at times, flash floods after 4"... :BangHead: So not gonna be much outside work today.

Some plumbing on the adgenda today. Dishwasher to put in and noticed a leak in the basement. No idea how long it has been there thanks to the dungeon with dirt floors.
"minor' plumbing job for me today. Kitchen faucet is a relatively new Delta. Single handle has to be in the perfect spot or it won't shut off. Should be able to pop a new cartridge in. Will probably change the spout orings as well or at least clean and lube. Not sure if water pressure even hits them, but it needs to pivot between sinks better. Depends what happens when I take apart and what is in stock at store.
Other than that probably some garage and basement organizing. Still hoping to do a yard sale, but the possible weekends before its too cold are disappearing fast and plenty of other stuff to do...

Happy Labor day!