Turn That Crap Down!!!

Not the biggest Country fan but I do like what Corb Lund I've heard.

Last "new" music I liked was Samantha Fish, although I guess the style is not really "new".

Lately I've been into Mega Drive. "Synth Wave" (bear with me here....) that sounds like movie soundtrack end credits with "crunch".

Has the OP heard any of Smashing Pumpkin's heavy rockers?
Billy Corgan is quite the bad-***. (although that's 90's)

I went through a huge Alice In Chains period, but was disappointed with their live show.
I had the chance to see Foo Fighters on their second album tour but declined.
Regret that as now they are $$$ and they have a lot of material I like.

I'll second Avenged Sevenfold esp mid career stuff. Great guitar and arrangements.

90's stuff again, but if you like roots rock/old school country/semi-rockabilly that makes fun of it's self and everything else---Rev Horton Heat.

Along the same lines- 90's/00's Southern Culture On The Skids. I describe them as Dick Dale meets the B52's.
...plus they throw fried chicken into the audience.