Stop in for a cup of coffee

This is my momentary lull in the storm. I tried three times yesterday to take back hoe bucket off tractor but the gravel trucks just kept coming. Gonna try and get it off this morning and put brush hog on. Then mow all day. I got one more overhead door to wire in but it is to tall for my step ladder so clearly I will back truck under it and then put ladder in the bed. All good. Hemi is finally settling in a bit, still not eating like she should but the heat difference is pretty dramatic from what she is used to. It has been in high thirties and mid forties up in Fargo. And it is eighty here soon as the sun comes up! Once I get the Harley down here I am blasting over to MeMikes! We are really looking forward to slowing down a bit.
Let's keep in contact, I do have a sergury date coming up in a couple weeks , I will get the date and post it up when doctor lets me know.
Yep, looking forward to it, and I hope your day goes well with out any drama, should be a nice couple days ahead of us.