We're missing a big opportunity here! Please fill the vacuum

In Britain, Australia and New Zealand they call the part of a car's frame where it narrows in the front, and where it kicks up at the rear, the "dumb irons". That never ceases to crack me up every time I hear it. We really ought to adopt the phrase here in 'Murica!

Imagine how great it would be to tell a fellow FABO member there's a problem with his dumb irons, and he wouldn't really know if you were referring to the frame of his car or his head.

Speaking of heads, what do people mean when they tell you they've seen better heads on a boil? I never did understand that. And here's one off the top of mine:

"Surely you jest! Those aren't dumb irons. I've seen better dumb irons on a tricycle!"

"STFU, my irons have a high IQ! And don't call me Shirley!"

Shirley you can do better than that one.

But Shirley we can start using the term "dumb irons" on FABO in order to make things even more interesting, don't you think?
Bill ! I am an old Aussie panel beater(body man) and all the old fellas that I served under when I was a lad reffered to the bumper bar brackets as "Dum Irons"