65 Dart Wagon Conversion to a Sedan Delivery
Now that I have all the door glass tinted, it was time to tackle the tailgate glass. If I was just doing the tint, i could have just done it. I need to replace the outer seal so the glass needs to be removed from the frame. So I’ve been soaking everything in PB Blaster for a couple of days now. On the left side the washer was rusted awayand the head of a very rusty machine bolt went right through the hole in the glass
i was able ti remove the screw from the right side but the washer basically disintegrated
after having no success removing the center screw, i decided to take my cutoff and carefully cut the head of the screw and the raised area of the washer. The glass then lifted off the frame. I will need to remove The left and center mounting screws (or what’s left of them) before installing the seal and glass to the frame
it will be so much easier working with just the frame rather than frame AND glass!