E58 400 plus HP Dart sport build

Lol I'm old pretty small town I have already had visit by the police just checking it out. I won't get to crazy. But I do wanna run down to track just for fun not hung up on numbers at track. Just a starting point for now. Suspension will come later with some rear disc outback.
If you are NOT hung up on track numbers,
Then I very highly recommend to pump up the pressure, so you can run a more street-friendly combo.
Having run around 180psi already for 20 years, and up to 195 at one time, all on 87E10; I can tell you that this pressure is insanely addictive.

If you analyze how you actually operate your car,
>I'm pretty sure that WOT will only be a very small percentage of the time.
> a goodly amount of time will be spent idling or moving very slowly in first gear.
> but the vast majority of the time will be in Second gear at Part-Throttle traveling between 25 to 50mph or less. So, IMHO, this is the zone every streeter should be concentrating on.

To that end, running hi pressure, allows running lower-stalls and hi-way-friendly rear gears........ because the engine is making a chitload of low-rpm torque. This is saving you money at every gas fill-up.
>The Primary reason for running a hi-stall TC, is to allow the engine to spool up past the typical soft part of the power curve that exists in nearly every big-cammed small-block engine.
But alloy heads allow you to run higher pressures than do iron heads, so there is no reason, to run a high-stall on the street, if you take advantage of the pressure made possible, by the alloy heads.
>The Rear gears are used to move the power-window around in any speed range of interest.
> if your tires are spinning, you already have too much power... or rather, more than the tires can handle. Maybe that is what yur going for, I sure was, lol.
>The power required to run speed increases by the inverse proportion of the speed. So to run double a certain speed requires double x double the power. If it takes 40 hp to run 60 mph; then to run 120 will take 160; and to run 240 will take 640hp.
Obviously, 400hp is more than any of us ever need. The power in excess of that required to travel at a certain speed, goes to decreasing the time required to get up to that certain speed.
Now get this;
in the Eighth-Mile,
at 3400 pounds; 400 hp will get you about 92mph @as low as 7.5 seconds, whereas:
300hp will take about an additional 3/4 second, but be about 10 mph slower.
But again, that is using high-rpm power. On the street, you cannot go 92mph, nor even 82 except you risk getting a ticket. Now I'm not a cop and I don't care if you speed. But with street gears, and a 3-speed auto, your car will probably be shackled to way outside of it's power-window, from Third gear on. Lets say you shift at 6000. Going into Second the Rpm will drop to 3540 oops. Your Mutha will be gasping to get back on the pipe. With 3.23s, this will happen at about 55 mph. The Mutha will then struggle back up to say 3800 to find the bottom of the power curve, now at 59 mph. And then begins the march up to peak power at say, 5300/82mph. then over the top and down the backside of the now diminishing power-curve to say 6000@93mph. But to finish the quarter, you will have to shift. And when you do, 93mph will be ~4100 in Third, way off the power. Now shes gotta fight her way back up the power curve to finish at say 108mph@4800, still 500 short of the peak and wasting the 300 or so rpm, that come after that as well.
So the result of this is that your ET and mph are gonna belong to a less powerful engine.
Show me where stall helps in this.
Firstly, in first gear, because of tirespin, you will not be able to unleash all 400hp unless maybe you have a Super-Stock type suspension. So what good is a 3500 stall. And, lets say in First gear you average 300hp.
Then at the 1-2 shift, the Rs drop to 3540, so the 3500 is already pretty much hydraulically coupled at 1.1 ratio. So lets say in Second gear, your average power is 360. And lets say back to 350 on Third, cuz the engine never made it to 400; and it dropped in at 4100 so stall is history. Your delivered overall average power then is;
(300+360+350)/3 =337hp I made the numbers up but you get the idea.
Since you couldn't use all 400 in first gear, and never got to use all 400 in top gear, the only gear that was productive was Second.
So tell me again why I have 430hp.......
As a streeter, what I really want is a Second gear that when I nail it, has 400plus footpounds available, to instantly flash the tach into the rev-limiter, at 7200, with the tires screaming.
Ok hang on, 400ftlbs @3200 maths out to just 244hp
Case closed.
So what if I jump up more compression via the piston itself if I have clearance I can get away with another point say these KB190