360 Aftermarket Heads on 318

I definitely recognize the cam isn't what it should be. Having read all the information in the last few posts i'm definitely still learning about why all of that is. But I'm approaching this backwards to try set up the engine so the cam is leveraged best, but the best way is to set everything up, flow the heads, and then choose a cam.
If your going to just keep the cam and add parts to be used as is for now, the Edelbrock cylinder head will work just fine.

Do so make sure you have a stall converter to allow the engine to perform best with the cam and your rear gear ratio as well should be part of the combination. Also as AJ/FormS mentions, the cam timing is super important since it can make or break an engine. The normal 110 centerline of cams will work well with the 318 and the Edelbrock heads. See if you can’t find a cam with an earlier intake valve timing closing event to help with keeping dynamic cylinder pressure as high as possible.

Everyone screams about the 318 being to small, super weak, etc…
(Basically) Treat it the same as if it were a 340 and let’er rip.