Stop in for a cup of coffee

Hey, things are ok. Migraine today, got some of it taken care of before work. Still hurting a bit yet. I am thinking of retiring from Tae Kwon Do in a couple weeks. It is getting to be too much time and travel. average 2 -3 nights per week plus volunteering for things which comes out to 150 miles per week minimum. Teaching is donated time and my gas. It is also nice having every night free for what ever. While teaching, it is go to work, race home, change, snack, race 35 miles north, teach a couple hours, 35 miles back home, shower, scarf down food and bed for a typical 16hr day in. I need to close this door and bring on something new - I think.

Hope the brain pain passes soon

I get it. I've reduced significantly once I decided that my most valued commodity was my time. Was very involved in historical reenactment stuff but had zero down time. Slower pace feels better