Overheating 360 new engine
Does anyone know where I can purchase a 4000 cfm or greater fan?
If you have a 26” radiator you can use a Ford Contour set up like I do, lots more information here on my build thread on it
My "new" '74 Duster- or why I need a project like a hole in the head
When looking for a fan or fans would you total the cfm sum for both fans or per fan?
If you’re running dual fans you would add the cfm. So, if you had 2 single fans rated at 2,000 cfm individually that
should be 4,000 cfm for both of them. That’s probably not exactly what you’d get, you don’t know how that fan is set up to produce that rating and just slapping it on your radiator might not get you the advertised specs.
Which is another reason to run fans that are designed to work together as part of a system, like the Contour fans are with their integrated shroud.
But that may only be part of your issue, there are a lot of other questions you need to answer. A cooling system is just that, a
SYSTEM, it’s not just a really big radiator, or really high cfm fans, or a HD water pump. All the parts have to work together. You can install a really expensive radiator and fan and still come up short, you need all of it to work together.
I don't mean to add insult to injury but...
Almost every post that starts with a "I have an overheating problem" , also states Aluminum radiator, electric fans, and fancy shroud. You almost never see one where there is a stock 2 or 3 core copper /brass radiator, factory or no shroud, and stock mechanical fan.
Just something to think about.
First, that’s not true.
I know because I can remember multiple threads where members with overheat issues needed to add a shroud, or correct their pulley ratio, or match their water pump to their pulley ratio.
And you’re suggesting that aluminum radiators with electric fans are somehow less than the factory set up, which isn’t at all true. Not even a little. Electric fans are far more efficient than the factory mechanical set up.
The problem is that you just can’t buy a bunch of random parts and call it a cooling system. You need a radiator that can handle your horsepower output. You need fans with enough cfm. You need a way to control those electric fans so they run when they need to for the right amount of time. And it all has to work together. The most expensive parts doesn’t guarantee the best system.
Wow, now there’s a strong argument supported with facts and evidence. :rolleyes:
No, it’s not wrong. The Contour electric fans I run pull about 3,500 cfm on low and 5,000 cfm on high speed. Most of the time the low speed works fine, but on a couple of occasions when I’ve been stuck in traffic in 110°F weather I’ve had the high speed run as well. Granted most people don’t drive in that kind of weather with their classic, but I do. So yeah, under 3,000 cfm won’t work in any kind of real street driving anywhere it actually gets moderately warm. And if you drive when it’s HOT you need more than that.
Of course if you’ve got some show pony you trailer everywhere and barely drive you can probably get away with less, but on the street in real life driving situations it wouldn’t last.