2 Port Valve Cover Breather. 1970-71 Engines.

This is a 2 nipple valve cover breather that is used on 1970-71 Mopar engines, with the fuel vapor emissions system, depending where your vehicle was originally destined to be sold, back in the day.

Old paint removed, and soaked out, with a cleaning solution called Super Clean. You paint with the color, and brand paint, of your choice.

The last 2 port breather that i have in stock.

$45.00 for the part.
Plus whatever the mailman want's to get it to your zip code.
Payment will be thru Pay Pal.

Send me a pm, if your interested, and i will send you the rest of my information.
Thank's a lot.
Jim V.

Trunk Lights 71-74 B 005 (Small).JPG

Trunk Lights 71-74 B 006 (Small).JPG

Trunk Lights 71-74 B 007 (Small).JPG