Box and No Box

And how is the fact someone says they'll unhook the delay box enforced? No way to know if they let go of the button on the top or bottom bulb. And no way to prove it later either. You can't expect the guy pulling cars out of the staging lanes to crawl in every car and see what they have or have not done in their wiring.

Sorry - you're right I'm skeptical. Because I've seen the cheats first-hand!! And that was just a guy using a tbrake in the Sportsman footbrake class. More than once and more than one weekend! Sadly, money begets greed begets cheating! Im of the opinion that you build your car for the class you want and then race in that class. No extra or missing hardware for the class you are in!!

some tracks/ races require the removal of the box. If found, you are disqualified.
our track has lots of guys who run both classes, but they don’t require the box to be out of the car