Box and No Box

You young guys better get used to change like we did or give up the sport. We went from five yellows to three yellows, 45 degree slanted bulbs to straight on, floodlight bulbs to led bulbs, regular wiring to fiber optic wiring. The sport and technology is constantly changing. Get onboard the train or get in the bike lane.
Errrr....young guy? I'm darn close to your age!! I just happened to have taken a 27 year hiatus from racing while raising a family. For all we know, we may have seen each other at Quaker City back in the 80's where I did a lot of racing.

And no, I'm not a "box hater" racer. It's just not for me. If I was king for a day, the box, no box, and footbrake cars would all have their own class. Oh wait, they're supposed to!! We just tracks to enforce it and everybody could enjoy our sport on equal footing.