Box and No Box

Errrr....young guy? I'm darn close to your age!! I just happened to have taken a 27 year hiatus from racing while raising a family. For all we know, we may have seen each other at Quaker City back in the 80's where I did a lot of racing.

And no, I'm not a "box hater" racer. It's just not for me. If I was king for a day, the box, no box, and footbrake cars would all have their own class. Oh wait, they're supposed to!! We just tracks to enforce it and everybody could enjoy our sport on equal footing.

Trust me the tracks tried to keep the transbrake and footbrake cars separate but do you know who didn’t support it??? The racers. As a matter of fact I put a long throw transbrake button in my car so I could remove my box for the best no box race in the country. It’s was called the No Box Bonanza held at Norwalk. I paid my entry fee and they didn’t so Norwalk canceled it and never tried again. I looked at the schedule and had an open week and I just wanted to race. Quaker City hold a 5000.00, 10,000.00,5000.00 race twice a year. It’s 300.00 to enter box class for that money. It’s 2500.00, 5000.00, 2500.00 for the no box cars to win for 150.00. They keep the footbrake and transbrake cars separate till they join them for the final rounds. Well guess what??? The local guys that race there weekly won’t support it so they have to cut the purse every race. Box pays full payout because they have enough cars 90% of the time. Hmmmm. The needed car count for both classes is always listed on the flyer.