Stop in for a cup of coffee
Just a quick drive by this morning. Hope all y’all are good. We have been teaching an instructors block this weekend with culmination being a grand opening on Saturday. Nighthawk pistols will be here letting folks shoot their fancy pistols, we will also have Cross Breed holsters on site and a lawyer from US Law shield here answering all the conceal carry/use of force type questions. I have folks in class this week from Memphis, Texas, Mississippi and Oklahoma. At end of this week they will be certified NRA pistol instructors, as well as NRA certified RSOs. It is immersion type training. I am plumb wore out! Being “on” that many days in a row makes me wonky! Once class dismisses I go back to driving fence posts, mowing, picking up rocks etc. Rinse and repeat next day. We will be flying our drone on Saturday to get good pix. Once I get that done I will post some up. Jodi goes into town today to fetch Banks big pull behind BBQ trailer. Our boy is going to cook all day since we are feeding folks. Apologies for going dark but man just no time. Y’all be good!