Pretending to be a furnace repairman today

AND AN ANNOYING story from the old days. Details are fading but it went something like this. Some folks with young child/ children went out, hired a baby sitter. "Somehow" the toilet overflowed, and the furnace ducting was such that the water on the floor flowed right down through the plenum through a register run and into the blower which turned out to be "surprisingly" water tight. The blower cavity filled up the bottom area, and of course these motors were never built to pump water!!!

Evidently the motor protector was not terribly sensitive, and the motor got hot enough to make smoke and enough to trip the fire alarms

Somehow I got called--this was 9PM or so, and by the time I got there the fire dept was there as well, and soon after that the folks came home.


We had a hell of a time with this deal because turns out the parents were renting, the baby sitter had evidently called us and the fire dept and the parents did not want to pay and the landlord SURE as hell was not gonna pay.

Frankly I don't remember how this all worked out