Internet Advertising

With this new format Joey has blessed us with, I've noticed we've also been blessed with a couple ads at the top and bottom of the thread listings, which in my situation, is the same ad. I've come to realize that not once has an internet ad plastered multiple times on the same page, made me want to visit that site, or buy anything from, or even relating to it, or made me want to have any business association with the company putting out those particular ads. I guess it would take somebody more gullible than I to be considered an effective marketing ploy.

Funny thing about magazines though, I enjoyed reading the ads. Very seldom was an ad printed multiple times in the same publication.

Also, no, I don't need to hear about how having the ads helps pay for the site. Just posting a little food for thought when it comes to internet advertising.
You should have posted this in the website questions forum. Joey may never see it. Very un- effective advertising. :lol: