Sad to see but will happen to most us all

I retired the first time at 55. After two years, I couldn't stand it and went back to wrenching. I got a job as a mechanic for a used car lot. At 59 I opened a one man restoration shop and did eight body off restorations before hanging it up at 69, when I remarried. I joined Cascade Pacific Plymouth Club in 2010, serving as President for 4 years. I believe the average age of the members would be around 70. Definately this is a dying mans hobby. Just a few younger folk are interested in these older cars. My 83rd birthday was last month. I've had several heart attacks, arthritus, prostate cancer, six stents, and neuropathy. I plan to keep working on old cars right up to the last minute. My three boys all want the cars and will have to draw straws for them. The club gets the tools and parts. Never stop!