Anyone else sick of all the ads popping up all over this site lately?

Software, hosting, servers have to be bought and upgraded, people that help with coding have to be paid, not to mention I have to make a living.

Just to give you an idea, the last server I bought cost $7,000 and I bought 2 of them. That's just to buy the servers, I still have to have them in a datacenter which costs me every month as well. I also have to pay for the software to run the servers, security software, etc. (those I have to pay monthly) There is a lot, especially when you have sites like this.
You make a living having a web site?
How in the world does that work?
You don't hafta get up in the morning to commute to a job, to drive the bus, or work in a factory, if there's such a thing in America anymore.
How much is being charged to these companies that advertise on these web sites?
And i'm paying you 50 bucks to support the site, and not getting what i signed up for, in NOT to get, see.
Now at the bottom of the page i get another ad.
One on the left side of the page, then another one immediately on the right side of the page.
Then how about adjusting my subscription fee accordingly, to a lower price, since i'm also one of the membership that isn't getting what one paid for, signed up, for.
Not to get you pissed off with me or anything, but i guess i don't understand how someone like me that grew up in the 50's and 60's understands how one can sit back, in the chair, get on the internet, charge entities to run an ad on a web site, and profit off the darn deal.
I had to learn how to be a machinist in my younger days, go to work in a factory, then do 7 years in the Air Force.
Ok, my rant is over.
Jim V.