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The old trans 2466091 is 1964 A-body 6-cylinder (there are differences between '64 and '65 valve bodies to provide for '65 lever versus '64 button shifters; make sure you're not about to get crossed up by that).

The 2466119 was originally built with a 12¾" extension shaft and housing. So was the 2466091.

The '65 A904s built with the 18" extension shaft and housing were used in B- and C-bodies with 225 or 273 engine.

Either someone mix-matched parts when they put together that rebuilt transmission—the long and short extension shaft + housing interchange together—or this is actually a 2466118 (B/C-body with long extension) that was mis-stamped at the factory.

Hey thanks so much for pulling the history on those. I'm returning the long housing one and having my old transmission rebuilt. Better to have done that from the beginning. I'm thinking that 65 was a mix of parts over time. The builder got it like that as a core.

Thanks again.