Some people just don't get it!

Its apparent who has has lousy priorities or are just plain selfish and self consumed from reading some of the posts here
Years ago when I wanted to get back into the hobby and it's just that a hobby not a life consuming ambition but I wasn't there yet financially there was this guy who had a absolutely gorgeous classic muscle car. I was in awe of this car and my buddy who knew the owner told me, this guy still rents a small apartment, he was married with two girls in grade school
His priorities were never his family other than to keep a roof over their heads and a meal on the table, everything else revolved around the hobby car
My buddy who knew me very well said, take a good look because your the exact opposite of what that guy is
Years later I dont wonder how life turned out for this guy who had that car and its the reason why he is were he is in life and why im were I am
Marry well, get what's important in life in order, when you ignore your wife and make her feel second best, while she does everything for you and your children and all you can do is indulge in expensive things that only you want, my opinion is you are a useless POS
If life turns out less than what you expected and you now have to depend on your spouse you will understand what im talking about in short order

Your assumption that the guy is wrong in this is ridiculous. Is the woman always right? How do you know this guy’s priorities are wrong?

Maybe, just maybe the wire is just a miserable woman who can’t be made happy. Ever.

Of course, you being hen pecked and such won’t see that but I can name a dozen women I went to school with and am still friends with who are single because they were miserable, nasty, unhappy people and there wasn’t thing one the husband could do to make them happy.

In fact, one of them is my ex fiancée from 1984. She is still miserable, still nasty and thinks that everyone else is responsible to make and keep her happy.

My buddy ran into her ex at a funeral or something a couple years after the split. My buddy asked him wha happened and he said “I got tired of trying to make her happy and nothing made her happy”.

The funny thing is when I kicked her to the curb in 1985 I told her the exact same thing. She didn’t learn.

So once again Steve, you end up on the wrong side of it. Not all men are bad. Not all women are the queens you think they are.

If the article is true (who knows? it could be made up, or not) that dude needs to drop kick that sniveling ding bat right down the road.

She didn‘t say he was spending them into bankruptcy. If he was, she would have said that. He evidently isn’t cheating (maybe he should be) or doing dope or hanging out at strip clubs. So his car hobby is a giant sin.

Just silly Steve. You are quick to judge a man you don’t know by the complaints of a woman you don‘t know. I’m going to side with the guy until it’s proven he’s doing something wrong.