Some people just don't get it!

In my experience: When you get a man or woman alone and they vent about their spouse it is usually way overblown. My inclination is to think the husband isn't as overboard as his wife makes him out to be. It tells me a lot about a person that doesn't give an honest assessment, especially when lodging a complaint.

Now, none of us really know this couple and the real situation so all were are, in effect, doing is making enemies of eachother over someone else's problem. Most likely this is a fictitious couple, written about by the daughter of Abbey to maintain revenue by peddling salacious (fictitious) dirt. I mean, who the hell writes in to Dear Abbey? What kind of (psychologically) person does this?

There's an order to go in when solving issues with other people: Look introspectively. Look to God, if you believe. Talk to the "offender". Call a lawyer.

Where in that order is "Write to Dear Abbey"?

Do you guys believe soap operas are documentaries? Of course not and you wouldn't be arguing about it here.