Some people just don't get it!

That column can be read a couple of different ways, but here's my take:
That woman has no real interests of her own. She relies on the rest of the world to keep her entertained, and after all these years she's realizing how badly that's working out for her. She resents that her husband has found a passion, and it's irrelevant that it involves cars- she would be just as bitter getting a dissertation on the nuances of Neo-Gothic architecture while travelling, being told about the geologic formation of those majestic mountains, the type of trees in that forest... Instead of pointing out interesting cars (in an otherwise boring movie), he isn't drooling over the young starlet with the busty figure and no acting talent, or ranting over the inaccuracies of the historical depiction of that era.
She will never be happy because the rest of the world does not cater to her, and life did not tun out to make her the princess she grew up believing she was. Her husband simply gets blamed because he's the only thing left in her life, so it must be his fault. The fact that he's found solace in an interest of his own just makes her angry, because he has achieved something she can't. And she refuses to show the smallest interest in his passion, because that would take away her only reason to be miserable.
The fact that he hasn't already kicked this bitter, uninspired, finger-pointing woman to the curb speaks volumes for his patience and devotion to her. He's not out at the bars until 2 am hitting on floozies, spending all their income on crack, or needing to constantly get bailed out of jail.
He's home with her, so what if he's in the garage doing an oil change or waxing the car instead of falling asleep on the couch trying to watch the latest Hallmark movie with her?
She needs to realize that the world does not revolve around her, and needs to be open to sharing some common interests- but it doesn't sound like she has anything of her own to offer, so the only option left to her is to set herself up as a martyr, a convenient crutch to garner herself some attention, pity, and an excuse for her self-proclaimed "misery".